Meet Abbott Insights

For over 25 years, I’ve thrived in the dynamic world of healthcare. My journey has spanned strategy, policy, and operations. Across senior leadership roles at the Ministry of Health and health authority environments, I have brought a passion for transformation to my work, from leading large provincial initiatives to overseeing hospital operations in the face of a pandemic. This experience has given me a deep understanding of the interconnected systems that shape healthcare.

I’ve had the privilege of participating in local, provincial, and pan-Canadian committees and working groups. This has instilled in me the power of collaboration and the incredible potential that emerges from partnerships and engaging with key stakeholders

My passion for empowering leaders extends beyond my Master of Arts in Leadership studies. It fuels my approach to consulting – a shared path where I support you, the leader, in achieving your vision and objectives. From leading small teams to overseeing thousands of employees and budget responsibility of hundreds of millions of dollars I know the pace, the pressure, and the need to focus and finish. My goal is to partner with leaders like you to drive transformation, achieve measurable success, and shape a brighter future for all.

It starts with a conversation

Abbott Insights goes beyond typical consulting firms. We offer the strategic guidance you expect from a seasoned leader, combined with agility and personalized attention.